Privacy & Security Policies

Trust means a lot to us at Redpath Pacific Ltd. Generations of Kiwis have shopped online with us and we want that to continue into the future. We’re committed to treating personal information with care and respect.
Redpath Pacific Ltd is solely owned and operated.

Personal information we collect from you

The personal information we collect about you is provided by you directly during your interactions with us on our website
We use your personal information to fulfil orders and deliver products to you.
We always take care to ensure that we only collect personal information needed to provide our services and help run our business.
The types of personal information we collect include:
– Contact and identification information – for example, your name, company, address, telephone number, email address.
– Purchase information, such as specific products purchased, dates of purchase and any returns.
This includes if you engage or seek a quotation for a product from a third party that we use to provide that product to you.

 Security capabilities policy for transmission of payment card data.

Our website is hosted on a secure server with multiple layers of protection to ensure the safety and integrity of payment card data during transmission.
We restrict access to our server by allowing only authorized IP addresses, preventing unauthorized access and potential breaches.
Utilizing Cloudflare as a Web Application Firewall (WAF), we filter and monitor HTTP traffic, adding an extra layer of security by detecting and blocking malicious traffic.
All payment card data transmitted between our website and the payment gateway is encrypted using SSL/TLS protocols, ensuring sensitive information is securely transmitted.
Our development team follows secure coding practices to prevent common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).
Additionally, payment card data is encrypted at rest using strong encryption algorithms, ensuring protection even if unauthorized access occurs.
We regularly update our server and software with the latest security patches and updates to protect against known vulnerabilities.
Continuous monitoring of our network and systems helps detect any suspicious activities or potential breaches, and our incident response plan ensures that any security incidents are promptly addressed and mitigated. By implementing these comprehensive security measures, we ensure the secure transmission and handling of payment card data, safeguarding our customers’ sensitive information throughout the payment process.

Need help?

Contact us at [email protected] or Phone: +6463535955 for questions.