Greenhouse Films

Duratough clear long life 215 micron

NZs most popular long-life greenhouse film, Clear Duratoughs extra thicRead more


Polyweave reinforced 300 micron

Polyweave reinforced greenhouse film, High strength and high resistance to teariRead more


greenhouse shaded plastic

White light shade 215 micron film

Durashade light white shaded 215 micron 4 year greenhouse film for nurseryRead more


greenhouse shaded plastic

White heavy shade 215 micron film

Duraflex heavy white shaded 215 micron 5 year greenhouse film for nurseryRead more


Redpath quickbuild building

Ultraflex clear 200 micron

Ultraflex EVA 200 micron clear greenhouse film…Read more


Durashade white light shade, 4 Year

White UltraShade 200 micron

Ultraflex EVA 200 micron 45% SHADE WHITE greenhouse film…Read more


redpath tunnel house plastic

Ultraflex clear 150 micron

Ultraflex IR/AF 150 micron clear greenhouse filmRead more


garden cloche redpath

Clear 110 micron Duracloche

Clear low tunnel duracloche films for the covering of lightweight seasonal fraRead more