Greenhouse Tape, Strap, Sealant & Rope

Batten tape is typically used on singleskin greenhouse and animal shelters where the cladding is to be retained by isolating battens onto the framework. This tape adheres to the batten and also the top surface of the cladding when the batten is placed onto the cladding. Thus when the batten is screwed or nailed in place the batten seals around the screw/nail puncture holes and prevents them from leakage and also side "shear" caused by wind load on the covering.
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Polyguard is a self-adhesive white 100% polyester felt tape designed to provide a soft anti-abrasion layer that sits between the greenhouse or animal shelter frames and polythene claddings to help prevent general wear and tear. Polyguard is not isolation tape, It simply works by reducing abrasion and excessive temperatures at the film/frame contact points, to give both extended film life and reduced maintenance of the covering.
A neutral water based adhesive and non-plasticiser polyester gives good compatibility with polythene films. Polyguard is designed to adhere well to steel, aluminium and timber frames and has proven itself to work well with 10s of thousands of meters used throughout NZ, Australia and the pacific for more than 25 years.
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Redpath Patchbond is a permanent repair system for flexible membranes such as greenhouse films and animal shelter coverings. Patchbond's aggressive acrylic based adhesive is applied to patch material the same as the membrane about to be repaired. This then is applied to the damaged area on one side or both. Patchbond will adhere readily to the covering and it will resist UV degradation, water, temperature fluctuations well.
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Redpath all weather tape is a clear self-adhesive tape for the simple and quick patching of small tears or holes that can occur in greenhouse covers and animal protection claddings. UV stabilised and inconspicuous when applied and cost effective. Often used for repairs to other materials such as joining flooring films, and small glass crack repairs.
Typically last 12-18 months in application, - if a longer life more permanent repair is needed then Redpath recommend the "patch-bond" repair tape system. Patching tape for minor repairs & maintenance
Gorilla Gutter Solvent industrial grade cleaner dissolves grease and dirt and fast evaporation.
With a clean rag, wipe the solution across the top and underside surface end of the gutter.
Gorilla Gutter Solvent industrial grade cleaner dissolves grease and dirt and fast evaporation. With a clean rag, wipe the solution across the top and underside surface end of the gutter.
Redpath sealant (used for the overlapping Redpath gutter design), or general sealant use. Supplied in applicator tubes to fit a standard Caulking Gun. Grey, 300ml cartridge.
Redpath sealant (used for the overlapping Redpath gutter design), or general sealant use. Supplied in applicator tubes to fit a standard Caulking Gun. Grey, 300ml cartridge.
Redpath Rainhead Box with Logo - Red Plastic 100 - 150 dropper
White polyester fabric
see Manual sidewall roll-up winch system
White round Polyester Rope. 8mm x 16 strand, 100m roll, on spool